Most of have seen condensation or mould at some time or another, because it can affect a property of any size or age and is caused by several factors, the main one these being the lifestyle of the occupants. Signs you have condensation are streaming windows, water droplets on window sills, wet walls and worst of all, black mould ruining your decorations and furniture. High humidity (condensation) is usually caused by something simple like not keeping the property at a constantly warm temperature and not immediately opening windows to extract steam after cooking, taking a bath or using the shower.

Condensation Issues

Another issue contributing to condensation is poor insulation, this could either be in the loft or in the cavities of walls. This can create ‘cold spots’ on internal walls or ceiling surfaces, which become wet as the occupants increase the level of warm humid air and the two meet.

During the winter months, high humidity affects at least one in five of all Australia homes and 75% of damp the problems we attend, are attributed to condensation. If not controlled it can cause considerable damage to your property, clothing and personal items, as well as being a serious risk to the health of the occupants..

Mould can cause serious health problem

Inhaling mould fragments or spores can inflame the airways, causing nasal congestion, wheezing, chest tightness, coughing and throat irritation. Prolonged exposure to high levels of indoor dampness canreduce lung function and cause chronic healthproblems such as asthma.

We've got the solution

Our mould remediation services include the identification and removal of moisture and mould from homes or commercial buildings, followed by an eco-friendly spore elimination procedure, drying, dehumidification and air purification treatments.

We offer an obligation free inspection report that provides you with a detailed analysis and cause of the issue, and a detailed quote for mould removal.

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